Published on 2024-02-28 08:30 by Gabriel Palhares
Personal lists
People I admire and inspire me
- O fim da eternidade - Isaac Asimov
- Uma breve história do tempo - Stephen Hawking
- A arte da Guerra - Sun Tzu
- A lógica do Cisne Negro - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- Anti-frágil: Coisas que se beneficiam com o caos - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
CS Books
- Introduction to Algorithms - Thomas H. Cormen
- The pragmatic programmer - Andrew Hunt, Dave Thomas
- JavaScript: The Good Parts - Douglas Crockford
- Effective TypeScript - Dan Vanderkam
- SICP - Harold Abelson, Gerald J. Sussman
- Crafting Interpreters - Robert Nystrom
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Martin Kleppmann
- The Mythical Man-Month - Frederick P. Brooks Jr.
- Fundamentals of Software Architecture - Neal Ford, Mark Richards
- Software Architecture: The Hard Parts - Neal Ford, Mark Richards, Pramod J. S.
Movies worth watching
- Whiplash - Damien Chazelle
- Fantastic Mr. Fox - Wes Anderson
- The Godfather Part II - Francis Ford Coppola
- Interstellar - Christopher Nolan
- Snowden - Oliver Stone
- Ocean Waves - Tomomi Mochizuki, Studio Ghibli
Videos worth watching
- Motivação para estudar - Clóvis de Barros Filho
- Tempo & Espaço - Vitor Liberato
- How to be Miserable for the Rest of Your Life - Better Ideas
Personal and CS blogs
- Naval
- Sam Altman
- Paul Graham
- Armand1m
- Elton Minetto
- Words of TK
- Noghartt’s garden
- Sibelius Zettelkasten
Company blogs
Finance blogs
Cover photo by cottonbro studio, taken with an Canon EOS R.s
Written by Gabriel Palhares
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