A Arte da Guerra | Sun Tzu |
A lógica do Cisne Negro | Nassim Nicholas Taleb |
Anti-frágil: Coisas que se beneficiam com o caos | Nassim Nicholas Taleb |
Uma breve história do tempo | Stephen Hawking |
O fim da eternidade | Isaac Asimov |
Introduction to Algorithms | Thomas H. Cormen |
The pragmatic programmer | Andrew Hunt, Dave Thomas |
JavaScript: The Good Parts | Douglas Crockford |
Effective TypeScript | Dan Vanderkam |
SICP - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Harold Abelson, Gerald J. Sussman |
Crafting Interpreters | Robert Nystrom |
Designing Data-Intensive Applications | Martin Kleppmann |
O mítico homem-mês | Frederick P. Brooks Jr. |
Fundamentals of Software Architecture | Neal Ford, Mark Richards |
Software Architecture: The Hard Parts | Neal Ford, Mark Richards, Pramod J. S. |