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Learning Path

Learning Path - React

  • What is React props?
  • What is React state?
  • Unidirectional data flow
  • How to create a React component
  • React hooks (useState, useEffect, and other basics ones)
  • Effects
  • How to handle event handlers (onClick)
  • React Context - share state for a subtree
  • Recoiljs
  • How to refactor a class component to hooks
  • Create React App
  • Learn what is a bundler, and how to use webpack, rollback and new solutions like vite.
  • Learn how to do data fetching using pure fetch with useEffect, using react-query, using relay
  • Learn how to do forms using formik
  • Learn how to handle navigation using react-router
  • Learn how to test using testing-library and jest
  • Learn how to code split
  • Learn Suspense
  • Learn ErrorBoundary
  • Learn about virtual dom and optimization
  • Learn how to type components using Typescript
  • Learn how to sync state to some external data like localStorage, cookies, querystring